Tuesday 22 April 2014

felinsha's biography

I am a secret spy working for the Queen of England. Not many people know my identity, but there are only 10 people who knows my real identity.  For years, I’ve been taking terrorists down, revealing their plans to the Queen and saved the UK more times than you could count. I’ve travelled to the Bermuda Triangle, Narnia, Hogwarts, killed a dementor, swallowed by a beast, stabbed in the stomach, controlled a hippogriff, bitten by a werewolf, killed vampires, hybrids, witches and still managed to survive. I guess you that I am one tough person. I’ve received an innumerable amount of medals for all the goodness that I’ve done for this country. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do to save this country. It is my duty and I live to fulfill it.

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